At Planète Savons, beyond our commitment to ethical, natural and environmentally-friendly products, our affection for animals is deeply rooted in our philosophy of life. It’s an essential aspect of our approach, both as a company and as individuals.

A personal commitment: the story of Harry, our Jack Russel
Our own history with animals begins at home, with Harry, our little Jack Russel who also suffered from skin problems! ….After my husband and children… The dog! Yippee!
We soon noticed that Harry was shedding and that his skin was irritated on his pasties and belly. We changed his food, but it wasn’t enough! And then “ok, I get it”! Harry was also allergic to small garden creatures! Having discoveredNeem Oil and its many properties against insects, I said to myself, “Ok, soap for the dog too! “And it worked! Harry is totally immune to those little garden bugs, and what’s more…he’s got his fur back!
Our commitment in action: helping the Eupen animal shelter
To contribute to their incredible work, we’ve set up a special initiative at Planète Savons. Every time you place an order on our site, you’ll be asked to make a minimum donation of 0.50 cents, with the option of adding more if you wish.
This money will go directly to the shelter to help finance various projects: building new shelters, enlarging fences, improving infrastructure, and so on.
But our commitment doesn’t stop there!
In partnership with the shelter, we also put our skills to good use for the dogs’ well-being.
We’ve developed soaps based on Neem oil, renowned for its natural antifungal and repellent properties against insects such as ticks. These soaps will help care for your dog’s skin and coat while remaining 100% natural.
We’ll keep you regularly informed of the projects completed thanks to your generosity. Every milestone reached will be shared with you: photos of the new facilities, testimonials from the shelter, and of course, happy stories of the animals who will finally find loving homes.
Visit the refuge and get involved!
If you would like to find out more about the Eupen Animal Shelter, you can visit their website by clicking on the following link: Tierheim Eupen. You’ll find out more about their actions, their animals, and the various ways in which you can also help them directly.
Thank you all for your support and your love for animals. Together, with Planète Savons, we give meaning to our commitment and help to offer a better life to our four-legged friends.
Let's give meaning to our commitments together
The Eupen Animal Shelter has been in existence for over 60 years. Our main mission is to care for abandoned or found animals, and place them in homes.
We also work with neighboring municipalities to sterilize feral cats.
We see our refuge as aHappy-End station“Because from here, our animals go on to a better future! In the meantime, we do our utmost to make their stay as pleasant as possible, until we find the perfect human for each animal, and vice versa.
For us, our pets aren’t just residents, they’re part of the family!
Each animal is considered individually, as each species, breed, character, personality and history requires special care and attention, as well as understanding, sensitivity, training, mental and physical activity, rest, love, patience and time.
To promote the socialization of our dogs and recognize their individual needs, our staff and our volunteers in charge of the dogs regularly take part in in-house training courses and workshops that combine theory and practice.
We and our four-legged friends would be delighted to receive your support!
The team at the Eupen animal shelter.